CRESTOR Is a registered trademark and IT'S TIME is a trademark of the AstraZeneca group of companies. ©2008 AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals IP. All rights reserved. 260575 4/08
Atherosclerosis is
the progressive buildup
of plaque in arteries"
over time.
If you have high cholesterol,
itrs time to get smart
about plague buildup.
Get a FREE Take Action Kit with information
and tips about cholesterol, plaque buildup,
and healthy living. Call 800-2-CREST0R
or go to
While you've been building your life, plaque may have been building in your
arteries. It's a progressive disease called atherosclerosis (also called "athero")
tha t can start in early adulthood. If you have high cholesterol, athero is
som ething you may need to be concerned about. O ther health factors, such
as fam ily history of early heart disease, diabetes, or high blood pressure
may also play a role in the progression of athero. So it's im portant to talk
to your doctor about athero. Our free Take Action Kit can help you prepare.
It explains how high cholesterol can play a role in the form ation of plaque
buildup, and offers healthy lifestyle tips. It also includes a 30-day free trial
o ffe r for CRESTOR
(rosuvastatin calcium), approved to help slow the
progression of atherosclerosis in adults as part of a tre a tm e n t plan to
lower cholesterol to goal.
Order your Take Action Kit, including a
3 0 -d a y free trial offer for CRESTO R.
Go to
Im portant Safety Information
In adults, CRESTOR is prescribed
along w ith diet fo r lowering high
cholesterol. CRESTOR is also
prescribed along w ith diet to slow
the progression of atherosclerosis
(the buildup of plaque in arteries)
as part of a treatm ent plan to lower
cholesterol to goal. CRESTOR has
not been determ ined to prevent
heart disease, heart attacks,
or strokes.
CRESTOR is not right for everyone,
including anyone who has previously
had an allergic reaction to CRESTOR,
anyone w ith liver problem s, or
wom en who are nursing, pregnant,
or who may become pregnant.
Your do ctor will do blood tests
before and during tre a tm e n t w ith
CRESTOR to m onitor your liver
function. Unexplained muscle pain
and weakness could be a sign of
a rare but serious side effect and
should be reported to your doctor
right away. The 40-m g dose of
CRESTOR is only for patients who
do not reach goal on 20 mg.
Be sure to tell your doctor if you
are taking any m edications. Side
effects occur infrequently and
include headache, muscle aches,
abdom inal pain, weakness,
and nausea.
Please read the Im portant product
inform ation about CRESTOR on
the adjacent page.
You are encouraged to report
negative side effects of prescription
drugs to the FDA.
or call 1-800-FDA-1088.
If you can't afford your medication,
AstraZeneca may be able to help.
i t s
tim e
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